Uongozi Institute: 2Internships Opportunities2024

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Website Uongozi Institute

Education institute

Uongozi Institute is the government institution that was brought up in 2010 to inspire and train the African leaders to create solutions. The instute woks to provide high quality education that facilitate policy dialogues  action oriented  research and technical assistance for the public and private sectors

The instute works on holistic approach that develope and reorganise the leadership competence that are developed through  continuous life long learning process. The institute supports the implementation and realisation of the strategic plan through tracking  and analysing performance


You will focus on research and policy departments of the institute that plays important role in enhancing the institute Philosophy of achieving sustainable development through high level policy dialogues


New Jobs Vacancies Tanzania 2024

Uongozi Institute is currently hiring welcoming various candidates interested to apply for the position avilable if you are interested please check the pdf below for more information about these vacancies opportunities

