Nyangh’wale District: 2024New Jobs Opportunities

Wizara Ya Mambo Ya ndani: Image sKatavi Regional utumishi, Njombe logo: kongwa District: Mwanza City Council: Tax Collectors Shinyanga District, Buchosa District, Kahama Municipal, Geita Town Council, Bumbuli District, Utumishi Interviews Jobs in Tanzania, usaili kada ya Afya, kuitwa kazini Utumishi
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Nyangh’wale District Council is currently hiring welcoming various candidates interested to apply for the position avilable, if interested follow instructions.  The District has received the employment permit  228/613/01/C / 019 from Secretary president office  

The Chief Executive of Nyang’hwale Council announces job vacancy and welcomes applications from  Tanzanians to fill vacancies listed in this announcement


The interested should be qualified and fourth or sixth form graduate with Diploma, degree/certificate (wax LEVEL 5) in one of the following professions: administration,
Law, Social Education, Financial Management, Social Development and the Arts Sciences from Local Government from College  such as Hombolo, Dodoma or any college recognized by the government.

Nyangh'wale District Vacancies2024
Jobs in Tanzania 

Nyangh’wale  Council Jobs Vacancies2024 

Nyangh’wale District  Council is currently hiring welcoming various candidates interested to apply for the position avilable, if interested follow instructions.  The District has received the employment permit  228/613/01/C / 019 from Secretary president office 


About Author

Web developer and content writer in Tanzania. I'm high skilled in articles writing in Tanzania being awarded two times. Currently working at Jamiichek
