Mwanza City Council: 98New Jobs Vacancies2024

Wizara Ya Mambo Ya ndani: Image sKatavi Regional utumishi, Njombe logo: kongwa District: Mwanza City Council: Tax Collectors Shinyanga District, Buchosa District, Kahama Municipal, Geita Town Council, Bumbuli District, Utumishi Interviews Jobs in Tanzania, usaili kada ya Afya, kuitwa kazini Utumishi

Mwanza was letter transformed into a city making to becoming the second city in Tanzania as it is located in the shores of lake Victoria in northwestern Tanzania. The city has area of 256.42km where 184.90km is dry land and other remained position is covered by water 


Mwanza  lies on altitude of 1140 meters from the sea level with constant temperature of 25.7C in sometimes it drops up to 15C in winter seasons. The city population is estimated to be 800000 people some times the population increases basing on migration during business hours 

Wizara Ya Mambo Ya ndani: Image sKatavi Regional utumishi logo: kongwa District: Mwanza City Council
Jobs in Tanzania 

Mwanza New Jobs Vacancies 2024

 Mwanza is currently hiring welcoming various candidates interested to apply for the position avilable if you are interested please check the pdf below for more information about these vacancies 



About Author

Web developer and content writer in Tanzania. I'm high skilled in articles writing in Tanzania being awarded two times. Currently working at Jamiichek
